
How To Install Volumio On Raspberry Pi

In this Raspberry Pi Volumio tutorial, nosotros are showing you the basics of installing the headless music player, Volumio.

Raspberry Pi Volumio Installation

Nosotros volition also exist walking you through how to get Wifi up and running on your Raspberry Pi through Volumio's interface. Additionally, the tutorial also shows you the steps to go through to install and setup Volumio's Spotify plugin.

Volumio is an open up source, a headless music player that is designed to exist able to play almost every unmarried music file, providing support for MP3, FLAC, WAV, AAC, ALAC, DSD and many more than.

In add-on to supporting of a big variety of audio codecs, it likewise provides back up for UPNP\DLNA, Airplay, Spotify and Web Radios making information technology an all in one audio role player. This projection is very similar to the Pi music box that I covered in an earlier tutorial.

Additionally, Volumio too provides back up for USB ii.0 DAC's and a pregnant of Raspberry Pi DAC's that piece of work through I2S.

To load music files on to Volumio make certain you put them on a USB device and plug that into your Raspberry Pi.

Equipment List

Below are all the $.25 and pieces that I used for this Raspberry Pi Volumio tutorial. Y'all might want to pick up some speakers and a USB audio card for the Pi for some better sound.



  • Raspberry Pi Instance
  • USB Keyboard
  • USB Mouse
  • External Hard Drive or USB Drive (For storing local music)

Since with a project like this you might want better audio, it might exist worth getting a USB Audio Carte or a Raspberry Pi sound card. Something like the HiFiberry might take your fancy.

Formatting the SD Card

One of the first steps you should do when installing a new image to an SD card is format it correctly.

One of the big reasons for doing this is that it ensures you lot become the most of your SD Card, maximizing both the amount of memory bachelor and the read/write performance. Ii things are crucial for your Raspberry Pi.

The following steps will bear witness you the best way to format your SD Carte for the Raspberry Pi.

1. To begin you need a tool to format your SD Card. The SD Card clan provide the most robust SD Card formatting tool. You tin can use the tool from the SD Card Associations website.

Once y'all are on the website will find a download link for the SD Formatter for either Windows or Mac located at the bottom of the folio.

two. One time yous have downloaded the SD Formatter, run the file and follow the prompts to install it on your computer.

3. With the SD Formatter installed to your computer, Insert your SD carte du jour and cheque the drive letter that has been allocated to it, e.k. Thou:/. Make sure that yous have the correct drive letter otherwise you could accidentally format the wrong device.

four. With your SD Card at present plugged into your estimator, launch the SD Formatter software that we installed earlier. First set the drive alphabetic character to the right one (due east.g. Yard:/). Now just before we press the format button brand sure that "FORMAT SIZE ADJUSTMENT" is set to "ON".

One time you are satisfied you have everything set correctly, experience complimentary to hitting the "FORMAT" button.

Installing Volumio to the Raspberry Pi

1. Start, get to Volumio'southward "Get Started" page and download the latest paradigm for the Raspberry Pi. Keep note of where you downloaded the file.

2. At present you will demand a tool to write this image to your SD Carte. For our tutorial, nosotros will exist utilizing a tool called Etcher.

Y'all can obtain Etcher from their Etchers official website. The software is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X

three. One time you accept downloaded and installed Etcher, open the program.

You should run across a screen equally nosotros have in the paradigm below. Click Select Prototype then browse to the image you downloaded in the first step of this tutorial.

etcher select image

iv. For the next stride click the Select Drive push button. Make certain you select the correct drive in this stage every bit information technology will wipe the device in the process.

etcher choose sd card

5. Finally, click the Wink! push to brainstorm the flashing process. Please note that this tin can take some fourth dimension.

Once information technology has completed, take out your SD Carte du jour and put information technology into the Raspberry Pi and power it on.

etcher flashing sd card

Setting up WiFi on Volumio

1. Now that you lot have your Raspberry Pi turned on, Volumio should have automatically started. Please note that the outset boot of Volumio tin can take up to 6 minutes to end equally it does the initial setup process.

Now here is the point that the tutorial splits up, if you are using an ethernet connexion you can skip this section. Otherwise, if yous desire to utilize Wifi, yous will demand to complete the post-obit steps to set up Wi-Fi.

To set up Wifi Volumio generates its own temporary Wi-Fi hotspot under the proper noun Volumio. You volition need to connect to this on your computer to proceed with this tutorial when prompted for the countersign type in volumio2.

2. Once you are connected to Volumio's temporary WiFi hotspot, go to http://volumio.local in your favorite web browser. In one case you have browsed to the address, y'all should now exist greeted with the post-obit screen.

On this screen, click the cog in the top correct-paw corner to bring out the navigation bill of fare.

Volumio Raspberry Pi Main Screen

3. Now on the navigation carte, click Network as highlighted beneath. This option will take us to the screen where nosotros can finally set our WiFi.

Volumio Raspberry Pi Sidebar Network

4. On the network screen, yous will want to scroll down till you lot see the Wireless Network section and a listing of available Wifi connections. Once you lot have found your Wifi connexion, click the Connect button (1.)

After clicking the first Connect button, y'all will so be asked to enter the password for your Wifi connectedness. Brand certain y'all enter your countersign correctly here equally this will disable the Wi-Fi hotspot, you can click the button with the center icon to be able to meet what y'all are typing.

One time you are certain you accept typed in the countersign correctly press the second Connect button (2.).

Volumio Network Settings

five. You lot will now be automatically disconnected from the Wi-Fi hotspot as Volumio reconfigures itself to connect to your Wi-Fi Network.

You lot should now be able to successfully connect back to your own internet connection and again browse to https://volumio.local. If it doesn't load straight away, give it a few minutes for your Raspberry Pi to cease reconfiguring itself.

Setting up Spotify on Volumio

i. At present that we have our net connection up and running on the Raspberry Pi Volumio system, one of the first things you volition likely want to do is set it up with Spotify.

To be able to practise this again printing the cog in the top right-hand corner of the screen equally nosotros have shown below.

Volumio Main Screen

two. Now once again on the navigation carte du jour click Plugins as shown beneath.

Volumio Raspberry Pi Go to plugins

3. On the Plugins Direction screen click the Search Pluginstab (1.), then the Install push (2.) next to Spotify.

Raspberry Pi Volumio install spotify

4. Afterward the installation procedure has completed for the Spotify plugin, click the Installed Plugins tab (1.).

On this new tab, click the On/Off Button (two.) to toggle the plugin on. Finally, afterward that has toggled on click the Settings button (3.)

Volumio installed plugins

five. Begin by filling out your Spotify Username and your Spotify Password in the offset ii text boxes (one.).

Later on, you must disable High Quality (2.) if you are running a free Spotify business relationship, it should be safe to leave on for a paid business relationship.

In one case y'all accept set your Spotify Username and Spotify Countersign and prepare Loftier Quality to on or off you can finally press the "Salve" (3.) Button.

 Raspberry Pi Volumio Spotify Settings

Later pressing the salvage Volumio button, Volumio should automatically make a connection with Spotify and configure itself to be able to load songs from it.

Please note if you are using 2-Gene authentication, then this may fail to work. You lot will first have to generate an App Password and use that instead as Volumio does not support logins through two-Gene.

You lot should now exist able to go back to the main menu and click browse in the lesser correct- paw corner. On hither yous will be able to see all your available music that is located on any plugged in USB devices, you will as well now exist able to see a category called Spotify.

Within the Spotify menu you can find all your playlists and take admission to all songs on Spotify.


Hopefully, by the cease of this Raspberry Pi Volumio tutorial, you have at present successfully setup Volumio on your Raspberry Pi and also have Spotify up and running on it.

If you have any issues or have any feedback, then feel gratis to drib a comment below.


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